Friday, September 25, 2009

Parallel Sequencing (Film Studies)

1. They both talk about the mom and dad being hard workers. They are organized the same, describing the environment and then their work area. It makes you feel that the mom is more organized and the dad is not.

2. These two paragraphs are parallel by describing the relationship that the child has with their parents.

3. Both paragraphs have the same structure; they wake up in the morning, they eat, and then they go do something.

4. On Saturday, he's very energetic and happy to wake up. He's eager to go out to the beach. On Sunday, he's dreading the day from when he wakes up. His "bloodshot" eyes give this away.

When I would go to work over the summer, I would see my bestfriend everyday. Her name was Mayra, and she is very outgoing. She's outspoken and never keeps her mouth shut. She'll tell you what's on her mind and she'll be sure to put her opinion out there. Besides this, she was always there for me. When I had any problems at all, I knew I could count on her. She was that girl who I could trust at my corrupt work place.
During the summer, I had a job. I started out knowing no one, and after getting to know them, I wished I hadn't. One person who I met was named Sarah. She was very nice at first, wanting to get to know everyone. After the first month or so, I started seeing differences in her. She was more secluded, and was trying very hard to grab the attention of all our co-workers. She was a girl who would lie to our managers to try to get us fired. If you tried to tell her she did something wrong, she went crying to the full-timers. This was a girl that I could not trust.

1 comment:

AL£JAN∂RØ RØ∫A∫ said...

Hey, you made a good comparison between your friend and the other girl!