Monday, March 9, 2009


Sometimes, its easier if you just remove yourself from the whole picture and see the situation from a different point of view. When you do this, sometimes you can feel alone and isolated, as if all your friends have abandoned you. Or you can just regain some understanding on life in general. I know I just did this, and some of my friends took it the completely different way. I made a decision that made ME happy, and I realized I had hurt someone in making that decision. But now, all my friends think of me as a bad person because of these rumors this other person is making. None of them are true, just made up lies in his little head. Now, I just got to pull myself away from the picture and gain light in a new perspective. All that I know is that the person I hurt doesn't want to talk to me right now, but I don't now how I should feel? Relieved or sad?

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