Sunday, January 11, 2009

* PS, I love you

You are the one who gave me the best year of my life. You showed me that someone could love you and that I could love back. You showed me what love actually was, and I actually believed it. His name was Phillip Scott Trayton. I called him PS for short. He was an inch taller than me, with long, dark curly hair and dark brown hypnotizing eyes. I was surprised not more girl fell for him. We were in love during my freshmen year, then we fell out of love.

I past by his house everyday, recalling all those day of bliss we had, and also all those painful memories. I just stare out my car window when I pass by his small duplex home. PS and I met in middle school. He was that scrawny looking kid, that had a head that was not proportioned to his body. As the years went on, he finally grew out of that look. By the end of eight grade Phillip was one of my best friends. His nickname was "Fill-It-Up" and mine was "Air-Is-In". Everyone always made bets on when we would go out, and be more than friends. That day soon came to be June 17th, 2007. Quickly, Aierlyn and Phillip was the cutest couple.

We spent our summer in the realm of roller coasters and water rides, eating popcorn chicken with curly fries. Our first kiss was right before we got on a roller coaster, and my summer was complete. As our summer slowly drifted in to August, PS and I were going to different schools, and I soon realized if our relationship was worth it. I decided that I would try to work it out. Once school started, we had lots of little nicknames and songs. I was his angel, and our song went "How much of a queen you are to me, And why I love you baby. Nobody wanna see us together." We learned so much about each other in those few months into our relationship. His favorite color was purple and he loved rocks. His favorite character was Jack Skellington. All this little quirks and kinks made him the PS I grew to love.

On the weekend of my cousins birthday, we all decided to go to PlayLand, a restaurant with lots of games and slides, where you win tickets to redeem a prize. When PS came in, I automatically ran to him to give him a kiss. Then, my best guy friend Elias came because he was going out with my cousin Jannely. I left Phillip's side to go say hi to Elias and give him a hug. This even caused our first real fight. He was so jealous of Elias who got to see me everyday. I was ready to throw the best summer of my dreams away. He talked me into not talking to Elias that often. I guess I didn't want to lose the person that I fell in love with.

The first time Phillip showed me that he truly loved me was a few days before Christmas. He gave me a promise ring, and engraved on the inside it said "Aierlyn, My Angel". This brought me to tears, and I whispered in his ear "PS, I love you." I thought that this ring brought our relationship closer, but I was wrong.

Right after Christmas, more fights started arising and more yells over the phone started happening. "Fighting is good for a healthy relationship.", that's what all my friends said. I finally told PS, that we're going to hang out more, so that we can understand and talk to each other more. Right after, Valentine's Day that's what we did. He came to my house, we walked to the park, and we went to the library. Everything was going great for a few months.

I soon realized that I didn't want the same boyfriend anymore. I wanted someone new, fresh, different. Take risks with some guys. Go out with one that maybe would never call back or go out with one that treated me like dirt. But that's what I needed to mature into a woman, to make me stronger. I longed that change so bad. I soon started ignoring my poor PS that I loved so much. I would no longer let him hold me or kiss me. I decided to call it quits on month after our one year, and he was so confused on why I did. I hurt my "Fill-It-Up" so bad, that he cried to his best friends. I knew that it would hurt him, but we both needed to grow up.

As I look back to that year that I spent in ecstasy, I realized that I never really loved Phillip Scott Trayton. Over the course of 13 months, I wanted to break-up with him at least 5 times where I never wanted to speak to him again. PS and I are still friends, but no where how we use to be. He's been happy with the girl of his dreams for over a year now, and I've been happily with a few boys here and there. I got what I wanted, and I've met so many guys in between, but when I reminisce on that year spent with PS, I am truly happy that he was my first love.


katelyn schaich. said...


this was amazing.


that was a fantastic story.


Kelsey! said...

I agree with katelyn.

That was AMAZING.

Quoc said...

If you say you glad of having him your first love then do you ever thought of what will happen if you didnt break up with him. Breakup doesn't make you grow up more but deal with the problem between you will make you more mature. It all in the past now but you never know that it will not happen again in the future. Every relationship have it own problem and all you can do is run away or deal with it. ^.^ Yeah Cheers
P.S. Very nice story! Fantastic

Cindy said...

*claps* for amy(:

ilove this story
i agree with both kati&&kelsey
it was amazinglyyyy fantastic

Navjot Sandhu said...

That was really cute how you guys had nicknames and this was written out great.
I'm glad that you guys grew up but still treasure the moments you had.Its good that you learned something from this and will make better decisiond now.This was reAlly amazing and fantastic.