Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Film Studies Practice Test

Buster Keaton

  1. Why does he keep a serious face? He keeps a serious face because it was funnier and he learned how to keep a serious face because he was part of vaudeville acts with his parents.
  2. Why is he like Chaplin? He is like Chaplin because they both did comedy films, he always does things on accident and is always the "small" guy.
  3. How does he perform his stunts? He performs all his stunts by himself.

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

  1. What is the significance of the set design? It shows the state of mind of the insane man.
  2. What was different from German Expressionism acting than from Hollywood? The acting was emotional, which looked more realistic.
  3. How does lighting set the mood in the film? In this film they use chiaroscuro lighting. This is the use of dark and light effects. This sets the mood because it enables a sense of fear and mystery. Also, it has overcasting shadows which gives you a sense of surrealism or a nightmare.

Modern Times

  1. Why did Charlie Chaplin base his movie Modern Times on the Great Depression? He wanted to show people his opinion on the Great Depression.


  1. What other important movie did Eisenstein direct? (Look on the wiki) He directedOctober.
  2. How does Eisenstein use the film to develop his theories of film structure? He used a concept he described as "intellectual montage".

The Last Laugh

  1. Why did Murnau decide to use German Expressionism to this film? He decided to to film it using German Expressionism because at the time when he was filming it German Expressionism was around. He wanted to people to enjoy his movie.
  2. Why was the movie made silent? During the German Expressionism era, all movies were made silent. Also, with silent films, the actors used their facial expressions to express their emotions.
  3. What type of lighting did they use? They used chiaroscuro lighting


1. True or False-Freder was in love with both "Robot Maria" and "Maria"? False, he was only in love with "Maria", but he confused "Robot Maria" for the real one.
2. Fill in Blank:(Blank) trades places with one of the workers for a day? Freder.
3. True or False-One of the villains in the movie was named "Rotwang"? True, he was the mad scientist
4. Why did Rotwang originally create his robot? He wanted revenge on Freder's dad because he stole his love of his life Hel. He made his robot look like her.
5. Who did Rotwang change the robot to look like? He changed the robot to look like Maria.
6. Who did Joh Fredersen send to spy on his son. The thin Man.

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